We want you to make an informed decision before starting any of our major dental services. We’ll never recommend something you don’t need, because we only want the best for your dental health.
That means we’re happy to answer any questions you have in person, during your FREE Invisalign® consultation at the dentist office.
Plus, you can look up frequently asked questions below.
How long do you wear Invisalign for?
It depends on your treatment plan. Different patients get done in three, six, or twelve months—or some other period. The treatment length will be custom to your needs.
Do you sleep in Invisalign?
Definitely. Sleep is a great stretch of time when your teeth can be moving, giving you faster Invisalign results.
Is it OK to leave Invisalign out for a day?
Of course that could happen. One day won’t set you back too far. But it’s best for you to wear Invisalign aligners for about 22 hours per day.
Do you eat with Invisalign?
Take your clear teeth aligners out when you eat and when you brush and floss your teeth.
Do you have to wear an Invisalign retainer forever?
No, you’ll probably wear retainers for only about 12 months. Retainers, similar to clear aligners, should be worn most of the day at first, but you’ll eventually wear them only at night.
Does Invisalign make you talk funny?
Not really. Your invisible braces will be very thin, which will barely affect how you talk. You might sound slightly different for a few days, but then you’ll adjust.
What are the disadvantages of Invisalign?
You need to remember to keep them in 22 hours per day—including while you sleep. You’ll need to make a new habit there. And they don’t work for every issue. We’ll recommend the right solution for you at our local dentist office in San Jose during your FREE consultation.
Are braces faster than Invisalign?
Invisalign or braces? How to decide? Invisalign trays usually work much faster than traditional braces—often in about half the time.
What is the shortest amount of time to wear Invisalign?
Normally, patients can finish the Invisalign process in six to twelve months. BUT we also offer Acceleration, which might cut your treatment time by up to half.
Is Invisalign painful?
Invisalign clear braces cause some soreness for some patients, although it’s often less than metal braces. Patients report “sensitivity” more than actual pain.
What is the success rate of Invisalign?
It’s about 96% effective. Your Invisalign dentist will carefully examine your dental health, gums, and jaw before starting to give you the best possible chance of success.
In what cases does Invisalign not work?
If you have certain issues, like a severe overbite, large gaps, a dental bridge, or short teeth, we’ll recommend a different treatment that will work for you.
Is Invisalign better than braces?
We recommend traditional braces for young children who are still growing quickly—and for patients with particular issues. Invisalign braces are simply faster and easier for certain cases.
Who should not get Invisalign?
Our Invisalign dentists don’t usually recommend Invisalign for patients with severely crooked teeth or severe bite issues.
What is the lowest price for Invisalign?
Every smile is unique, but Invisalign braces cost less than $2,000 for some patients—whereas others see a price tag of $5,000. Remember, though, that your insurance and other factors may change your actual price.
Is Invisalign worth it?
Some of our patients say it’s an amazing investment! With a payment plan, they pay a reasonable amount per month and have a stunning Invisalign smile they love seeing in the mirror every morning.
Is Invisalign cheaper than braces?
When comparing Invisalign vs braces, cost is important. Surprisingly, the average cost of Invisalign is fairly close to traditional braces. Every case is different, though—meaning that the cost is different for each patient—which is why we offer a FREE consultation to get you started.
Are You Ready for a FREE Invisalign Consultation?
The most important step in the Invisalign process is to schedule a FREE consultation at the dental clinic here in San Jose.
Invisalign aligners are perfect for many patients but not for all. We’ll give you a thorough exam, including optical scans and dental x-rays, to make sure we give you the right recommendation for your health—and a potential, great-looking smile!
Call Advanced Dentistry by Design now for a FREE appointment.